Endocrine Surgery Oxford
clinical excellence, research and education, medicolegal expertise
A summary of my work to date and an invitation for patients to come to Oxford for their care.
Radu Mihai,
Consultant Endocrine Surgeon
Past President of BAETS
Areas of Practice
Thyroid surgery
From investigating a small thyroid nodule and helping patients with Graves disease choose their correct treatment to dealing with large goiters extending into the chest or advanced thyroid cancer, the entire spectrum of thyroid surgery is provided with emphasis on voice outcomes.
Parathyroid surgery
Last-generation imaging techniques (including sestamibi SPECT-CT and choline PET) allow selection of patients who can benefit from a minimally invasive parathyroidectomy.
Bilateral neck exploration and redo parathyroid surgery remain an important part of our practice.
Adrenal surgery
Whether you need a keyhole adrenal operation or an open radical adrenalectomy, our centre offers extensive expertise based on the largest workload in United Kingdom and an established multidisciplinary approach.
In particular I am keen to see patients who need complex multi-organ resections for adrenal cancer and those interested to have retroperitoneoscopic adrenal surgery.
‘How to build a centre of excellence in parathyroid surgery’ - a challenging title for the Charles Proye lecture that focused on the current debates in the management of primary hyperparathyroidism, presented patients’ views related to service delivery for this condition and encouraged younger surgeons to explore controversial topics in this field. Very grateful for the opportunity offered by the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons.
26th July 2020