Invited speaker
Treatment for low-risk thyroid cancer. Hammersmith Symposium (London, Dec 2020)
Staged Thyroidectomy. 3rd International symposium on thyroid and parathyroid surgery (London, Feb 2020)
Training in endocrine surgery. Barczyńsky M, Oliver Gimm, Radu Mihai, Marco Raffaelli. European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (Granada, May 2019)
Volume-outcome correlation in adrenal surgery. Radu Mihai, Gianluca Donatini, Oscar Vidal, Laurent Brunaud . European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (Granada, May 2019)
Is there a role for subtotal adrenalectomy – European Endocrine Society meeting (Lyon, May 2019)
Challenges in Adrenal surgery. Societe Suisse de Chirurgie, 105 Congres Annuel (Basel, May 2018)
Adrenalectomy for phaeochromocytoma in MEN2 patients. Hammersmith Symposium (London, December 2017).
Redo Parathyroidectomy - what to do after failed parathyroidectomy ? Bucharest, Oct 2017
Adrenalectomy for subclinical Cushing. European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (Oxford, 2017)
Normocalcaemiac hyperparathyroidism. European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (Oxford, 2017)
Thyroid cancer – the contrast between increasing diagnostic yield and decreasing aggressiveness of treatment. Indian Association of Endocrine Surgeons (Mumbai, 2015)
Adrenocortical carcinoma - care pathways in the era of genomics medicine. Indian Association of Endocrine Surgeons (Mumbai, 2015)
Adrenal cancer - risk stratification based on genetic factors and improved survival based on radical surgery. Invited P.O.Granberg lecture during the Annual Swedish Surgical Week, August 2015, Örebro, Sweden
A century of thyroid surgery- current controversies and hopes – Kocher lecture . (Singapore, May 2015)
What makes a good surgeon ? (Singapore, May 2015)
Proposal for a European collaboration exploring the perioperative care of patients with adrenocortical cancers. ENSAT (European network for Study of Adrenal Tumours) (Nice, Nov 2014)
Complications of thyroid surgery – surgeons’ views, patients’ perspectives. Romanian Society of Endocrinology (Tg Mures, October 2014)
Treatment of recurrent thyroid cancer, European School of Oncology (Turkey, Izmir, September 2014)
Treatment is indicated in all patients with primary hyperparathyroidism ? – debate. Royal College of Physicians (London, September 2014)
Treatment of adrenal cancer, Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons (Sri Lanka, March 2014)
Treatment of thyroid cancer in children, British Association of Oncological Surgery (London, Nov 2013).
Management Thyroid Cancer, National Study Day for Nurses in Endocrinology (Stafford, Sept 2013).
Pitfalls in parathyroid surgery – how to prevent, how to deal with, how to manage. Polish Club of Endocrine Surgeons (Poland, May 2013)
Adrenal cancer – an orphan disease in need for centralised care and multicentre collaboration. European Society of Surgery (Krakow, Nov 2011)
Central compartment lymph node dissection is necessary in all patients with papillary thyroid cancer – debate. IoN study group (Newcastle, December 2010)
Airway management in contemporary thyroid surgery. Oxford Regional Airway Group (Oxford, Nov 2010)
Intraoperative strategy in patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. International Federation of Head and Neck Oncology meeting (St Petersburg, Russia, October 2010).
Postoperative hypocalcaemia – can we predict it ? Joint meeting BES/BAETS (London, Nov 2009).
Recurrent laryngeal palsy – management of voice changes after thyroid surgery. International meeting on Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring. (Varese, Italy, June 2009)
Asymptomatic hyperparathyroidism: to treat or not to treat – debate vs. Dr John Bilezikian. Calcified Tissues International Congress (Vienna, May 2009).
Evidence-based guidelines for the management of primary hyperparathyroidism: unilateral vs. bilateral cervical exploration. European Society of Endocrine Surgeons meeting (Lundt, March 2009)