Consent for thyroid surgery
Once a decision to offer thyroid surgery is made patients should are offered information about possible risks associated with the operation.
During the initial clinic appointment and during the consenting process all patients will be informed about the following risks:
Bleeding (with a statement regarding reoperation/return to theatre)
Voice changes (with emphasis on both RLN and SLN injuries and nonspecific voice changes in patients with normal neural function demonstrated on intraoperative nerve monitoring)
Swallowing difficulties
Low calcium levels / hypoparathyroidism
Wound-related issues (swelling/bruising/cosmetic appearance)
Sore throat / generic complications related to anaesthesia
Tracheostomy - based on Montgomery principle, this exceedingly rare complication should be mentioned to all patients having bilateral thyroid surgery or completion thyroidectomy in the presence of existing contralateral nerve injury.
All patients are encouraged to watch the videos prepared on behalf of Thames Valley Thyroid MDT by Mr Rogan Corbridge – Consultant ENT Surgeon at Royal Berkshire Hospital - this contains detailed explanation of all stages related to thyroid surgery and its specific complications.